Total War: Dead Edition

The Beginning

I was always a fan of the Total War franchise, I owned every game that was in the franchise and I played them all the time, that is until one fateful day (FORESHADOWING). One dark and stormy night I was reading gaming articles on the internet when suddenly a pop-up appeared. The pop-up said that I was randomly selected by the company that makes the Total War games, to play the Beta of their next Total War game, from the description I saw that it took place during the Cold War, which I thought was a strange setting since they never made Total War games that happened that recently in history. When I started up the game I saw a horrible sight.

The Game: Part 1

When I started the game I saw this picture. It was soooooooooo scary you guys! I was so scared that I actually considering deleting the file but for some poorly explained reason I moved on thinking that it was just a glitch since this was the beta of the game. When I started the campaign I saw that the nation we would be playing as was the Soviet Union, so the first thing I did was declare war on West Germany so that I could unite Germany under communist rule, but when I moved a unit into West Berlin I saw that there was a cutscene where the soldiers murdered some innocent citizens, some of which looked like some people that I knew.
I dismissed this thinking that maybe they worked with the development team to make the cutscene.

The Game: Part 2

Once I finished the war in West Germany, I decided to declare war on Finland because why not? When I got into a battle I saw that all of the soldiers who died, had HYPER-REALISTIC blood flowing out of them and they all looked like people that I had known, but I still believed that they were either coincidences or that my friends had worked on the game and were going to give me full game for my birthday. After the shock of that I decided to take over Helenski (The capital of Finland) and that ended the war. When I fully annexed Finland, Sweden decided to retaliate and declared war on me. Since this was the first Total War game to have aircraft I decided to start carpet bombing Sweden and that won me the war.

The Game: Part 3

Suddenly I got a trade deal with the U.S. that said that I had to talk with the U.S., since it was 1960 I had to talk to Richard Nixon, When I asked him a question that had to do with the politics of the U.S. he always ended his sentences with "I'm not a crook" (#PoliticalJoke). But when I was about to end the talk he called me a Commie and then his eyes turned black and started bleeding.
I started to get very spooked so I decided to leave the chat with Nixon. But I continued the game for some unknown reason. When I went back to the main map I saw that France had no military and that I could take over their land very easily, so I decided to start an invasion, that ended up being the worst mistake I've made.

The Game: Part 4

Since France was allied with the U.S. I decided to launch nuclear missiles at all of the NATO nations, when the first one hit Paris I saw a horrible sight, there was a cutscene where there was realistic screaming playing while I saw the Eiffel Tower fall over and the rest of Paris disintegrate. For all of the other capitals I hit the same thing happened, It happened in Washington D.C. , London, Sydney, Rome, and Tokyo, each scream sounded more realistic than the last.
I then got an objective, it was to take over a region in California that was coincidentally the region that I lived in, the objective was titled END IT. I happily did the mission, but when I took over the region, something I didn't expect happened...


Once I took over the region in-game I started hearing noise outside of my house, it sounded like gunfire, explosions, and like men speaking in Russian. When I looked at the news on my computer, I saw some things that disturbed me...
The stories were about how Russian troops had invaded Germany and Finland, Russia had also conducted air raids in Sweden. The most disturbing article was about how Russia had launched nuclear missiles at all of the capitals of NATO nations. But the last news article was the worst one... Russian troops had invaded California.